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Wednesday Trivia
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TODAY’S TRIVIA: I love random finds like this: men’s college basketball just released their Week 6 AP poll.
Why is that significant? 34 of the last 35 national champions were ranked in the top 12 of the Week 6 AP poll. The only one who wasn’t was Carmelo Anthony’s Syracuse team (2003).
It’s likely due to the fact that the majority of teams have now played the best teams in their non-conference schedules. We now shift to more in-conference play, which makes ranking these teams more isolated.
One notably absent team is the two-time defending champion Huskies (ranked 18th).
Who won the national title the year before UConn's repeat?click to reveal |
HINT: Two schools from that final (2022) are listed
Yesterday’s Trivia: D.C. United has 4 MLS Cup titles, the second most behind the Galaxy. They last won in 2004
Thanks for playing. See you tomorrow.
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