Tuesday Trivia


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Back to our normal programming: trivia for the fun of it. I’ll send a survey out this week about the last few challenges, feedback, etc.

I’ll leave up the standings for this week in case you missed them.

Remember to vote!

TODAY’S TRIVIA: As it is election day, I thought I’d write a question about leaders in sports.

Who is the longest tenured major league commissioner?

("Big 4" sports leagues)

Login or Subscribe to participate in polls.

Hint: You don’t need one. Go vote!

Yesterday’s Trivia: Although it has the second most finishers in the world (behind NYC), the Paris Marathon is not considered one of the 7 World Major Marathons.

Final Standings (top 10):

Winner: Joe Cilla (13)

Finalist: Ian Neal (12)

Finalist: Zach Goodman (12)

T-2: Eric Nunez (11)

T-2: Mark Perry (11)

T-3: James Lenihan (10)

T-4: Aaron De Toledo (9)

T-4: Fionamm (9)

T-4: Wilder Schaaf (9)

T-5: Kurt Buchbinder (8)

T-5: Nicole Hensiek (8)

Thanks for playing. See you tomorrow.

If you enjoy these trivia questions, please forward along to a friend.

Have feedback, questions, or comments? Questions too hard? Too easy? I get something wrong? Email me.

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