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Tuesday Trivia
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Apologies for the glitchiness in yesterday’s post. The double-standings didn’t appear in my preview before sending…I put in an angry word with my newsletter software…
TODAY’S TRIVIA: The NHL season begins state-side today with 6 teams in action. One of those teams is the recently relocated (and still nameless) Utah Hockey Club, which came up from Arizona.
The Arizona Coyotes (originally the Phoenix Coyotes) were also a relocated team in 1996.
Where did the Coyotes relocate from?Click to reveal |
One hint today.
Friday’s Trivia: The first regular-season international NFL game took place on Oct. 2, 2005 at Estadio Azteca in Mexico City, Mexico.
The Arizona Cardinals beat the San Francisco 49ers 31-14. The Cardinals also just beat the Niners this past weekend…how about that?
The city has a population of under 1 million
Thanks for playing. See you tomorrow.
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